A Love That Multiplies by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

When I first began to read this book, I thought: unless you are the parent of a large, homeschooling family, I don't see how you could enjoy this book.  Then I remembered that even though our own family doesn't have a TV in the house, other people do, and the Duggars are the stars of a very popular reality TV show.
So agree with them are not, people are interested in them.  I just happen to be someone who does agree with them, so I do enjoy reading their books!

This book covers the birth and first months of their very premature baby, Josie.  It details the fear and struggles that go along with having a child whose life hangs in the balance.  It covers the death of Michelle's father just days after Josie is released from the hospital, and how Michelle and Josie could not return home right away because a large  number of her children came down with chicken pox just as Josie was released, and they couldn't risk Josie catching it.
It tells how God supplied a house for them to live in during the many long months it took to get Josie stable and finally well.

This book goes on to tell how the Duggar's teach their children to have a missions minded heart.  It gives more homeschooling tips, tells about the curriculum they use, and how they handle the younger children while schooling the older ones.  It covers dating vs courtship and many other topics.  Throughout the book are scattered pictures and recipes, like the other book had.
The last pages of the book give many resources for homeschooling and modest clothing.

As the mother of ten children who has homeschooled for twenty years, I identified with many things in this book.  I learned a few things, too.  The Duggar's faith in God is inspiring to read about.  I think even if you don't believe exactly the same way they do, you will still find a lot of good things in this book.  I would not recommend buying it on an ereader, though.  The recipes and picture stories blended in with the rest of the text, and made it a bit confusing sometimes!

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